Restore your health with Empowerment Coaching and a personalized Glow Care Plan
These are our steps to
your Glow State
After an intake questionnaire an a one-on-one virtual consultation where you tell me your health biography and how you’re feeling, I will teach you how to use a combination of applicable therapies to ignite your healing process. I want to teach you how to listen to your entire body, so that you feel empowered to maintain your Glow State.
With my background as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I create highly individualized Glow Care Plans following a thorough assessment incorporating only the essential modalities your body is needing at the time.
In order to fully create lasting change it is often necessary to treat numerous layers that will become clear through consecutive consultations. One session is often enough to tackle an acute presentation. Three sessions is a sweet spot where many see beneficial long lasting change. A year long of guidance is recommended for those with more chronic conditions.
After an intake questionnaire an a one-on-one virtual consultation where you tell me your health biography and how you’re feeling, I will teach you how to use a combination of applicable therapies to ignite your healing process. I want to teach you how to listen to your entire body, so that you feel empowered to maintain your Glow State.
With my background as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I create highly individualized Glow Care Plans following a thorough assessment incorporating only the essential modalities your body is needing at the time.
In order to fully create lasting change it is often necessary to treat numerous layers that will become clear through consecutive consultations. One session is often enough to tackle an acute presentation. Three sessions is a sweet spot where many see beneficial long lasting change. A year long of guidance is recommended for those with more chronic conditions.
After an intake questionnaire an a one-on-one virtual consultation where you tell me your health biography and how you’re feeling, I will teach you how to use a combination of applicable therapies to ignite your healing process. I want to teach you how to listen to your entire body, so that you feel empowered to maintain your Glow State.
With my background as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I create highly individualized Glow Care Plans following a thorough assessment incorporating only the essential modalities your body is needing at the time.
In order to fully create lasting change it is often necessary to treat numerous layers that will become clear through consecutive consultations. One session is often enough to tackle an acute presentation. Three sessions is a sweet spot where many see beneficial long lasting change. A year long of guidance is recommended for those with more chronic conditions.
After an intake questionnaire an a one-on-one virtual consultation where you tell me your health biography and how you’re feeling, I will teach you how to use a combination of applicable therapies to ignite your healing process. I want to teach you how to litsen to your entire body, so that you fell empowered to maintain your Glow State.
With my background as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I create highly individualized Glow Care Plans following a thorough assessment incorporating only the essential modalities your body is needing at the time.
In order to fully create lasting change it is often necessary to treat numerous layers that will become clear through consecutive consultations. One session is often enough to tackle an acute presentation. Three sessions is a sweet spot where many see beneficial long lasting change. A year long of guidance is recommended for those with more chronic conditions.
I consult on a wide range of symptoms including physical, emotional and energetic imbalances:
Hormonal health with a focus on prevention and healthy aging
Chronic conditions
Fatigue or generalized low energy
Trauma-informed care and holistic counseling
Mental health
Performance optimization
Let's ignite your healing process
60-minute one time session to get you back on track.
3 months 3 comprehensive consultations to get you to your most vital self.
12 months 12 consistent consultations. Payment plan and with 20% off all supplements within your Glow Care Plan.
Some of the tried and tested tools we’ll use:
Nutrition & Lifestyle
Naturopathic doctors understand that what you eat is the basis for your health. The way we eat and digest our food is analogous to the way we digest the outside world. You can have the "perfect" diet, but if you are continually stressed then it’s nearly impossible to have optimal health. Because diet and lifestyle are so tied together, we must address them both. Many health conditions can be treated more effectively with foods and nutritional supplements than they can by other means – with fewer complications and side effects.
Biotherapeutic Drainage
Biotherapeutic drainage works on both a cellular and energetic level to enhance the natural routes of elimination so proper functioning of cells, organs, and body systems can be restored. This is a system of medicine that gently encourages the body, mind, and emotions to regain homeostasis. Through this process, the body ''remembers'' what it has always known: to eliminate waste products and absorb what is nourishing.
Holistic Medical Counseling
To heal we must find what exactly is causing our suffering, or the root cause of disease. No matter how many supplements we take or how pristine our diet is, our ability to heal is closely linked to past trauma, working through our feelings and emotions, and creating healthy belief systems within our mind. Changing our outlook and rewriting our trauma can be the most impactful, life changing, and transformative healing tools we have and that’s where holistic medical counseling can be so beneficial in discovering our root causes.
Homeopathic Medicine
Homeopathic medicines are very small micro-doses of natural substances that can stimulate the body’s self-healing response. This gentle yet effective system of medicine is more than 200 years old and is based on the Hippocratic principle that 'like cures like.' Homeopathy is often curative when no other treatments are. It’s that medicinal approach that moves people from feeling good to great!
Flower Essences
Flower essences activate the innate healing power of the mind. They work directly on consciousness to transform psycho-spiritual challenges and blockages into personal growth. When used medicinally they transform these root causes into something positive and improve our overall health. They often deepen our relationships with ourselves, encourage a more expansive mental state, and improve our understanding of our interconnectedness.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine or botanical medicine, is the use of plants from the Earth. Plants have powerful and complex healing properties as they contain phytochemicals that have specific therapeutic action on our health when used internally or applied topically. Naturopathic doctors use plant substances for their healing effects and nutritional value to heal disease, decrease inflammation, and address imbalance within the body.
The Glow State is a virtual holistic naturopathic practice with the intention to be educational and for informational purposes only. Please discuss with your primary care physician before making any health changes.